News from Rhonda :o(
1:52 p.m. || 12.28.03

Well, I got some bad news last night. My friend Rhonda's husband Kevin passed away on December 20th. Kevin had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year, and treatments didnt really do much for him. He leaves behind a wonderful loving wife and 2 young boys, Tyler and Tanner. You can read about Kevin's struggle in my diary April 21, April 24, May 25, August 7, and August 30. Here is the most recent email, telling me of Kevin's passing.

I just wanted to send this email to you all in case you did not know. My husband, Kevin passed away on December 20 here at the house surrounded by my family. We were celebrating our Christmas and he was having a hard time breathing. His lungs filled with fluid over the evening and he knew he was dying, but refused to go to the hospital. The last words he heard were Ty and Tanner screaming "I love you, Dad" while I held his hand. His last breath was trying to say it back - he had such peace in his eyes, then he was gone. I really feel God's strength in all of us now like I haven't felt for 8 months. My boys have such a strength in them I stand amazed. Ty's first line was "Mom, God have him to us and God took him away - let's be thankful we had him for as long as we did". Tanner's famous quote is "All things work together for good. . ." I do believe I have a couple of future preachers living here with me and I know their dad would be so proud of them - he always was. Larry Krause preached Kevin's funeral and did a wonderful job. So many heard God's message through the service. We are trying to use this to get Kevin's mom to become a Christian - pray our efforts will work. Thank you all for your prayers over the past months, and please continue to pray for me and my boys. I am considering taking them to Hondorus at the end of June with a group from the Kittanning church to do mission work. Please remember us in your prayers with this decision. Thanks again and happy new year!

Rhonda, Tanner & Tyler, Camp Agape 2001

Please pray for Rhonda and her family as they go through this time. They are very strong people, and I know they will make it through.

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Andrew's 5 Month Pictures - 09.27.06
4 Month Pics - 09.05.06
3-Month Pics - 08.23.06
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4 Months - 08.17.06